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Since 2013, Venetian poems has been creating contemporary designs inspired by the present, past and future. The name expresses the endless passion for creative expression and the deep and intimate connection with Venice and its surroundings. Poesi Veneziane combines unique designs with the savoir-faire of timeless Italian craftsmanship, offering quality footwear. The imaginative shapes of the creations and the comfort of the designs allow women around the world to embark on a magical daily journey of personal expression and self-discovery. Poesie Veneziane women's sandals have a powerful language: romantic, rebellious, elegant and mysterious, just like a woman's personality. Innovative details and silhouettes are at the heart of women's sandals. The process of creating Poesie Venziane sandals is a continuous cycle of research and development of new profiles and ideas. Poesie Veneziane women's sandals are characterized by their personal uniqueness. Poesie Veneziane offers sabots and sandals for every occasion, every personality, and every time of year. From bold details to the most refined, you'll have plenty of valid reasons to fall in love with Poesie Veneziane's signature sandals. Women's sandals: true fashion in pretty, truly versatile designs. For day, for night or for whenever you want: you can choose comfort without sacrificing style. Versatility and comfort of women's sandals, but with extraordinary and fabulous straps that make them what they are. A passion for walking could only lead to the birth of women's sandals by Poesie Veneziane. It doesn't matter if it's a hike or the daily commute each of us takes to work, school or any other destination, women's sabots accompany you on a daily basis. Poesie Venezine women's sabots are so simple and easy to match with dresses and dungarees. For a graceful and timeless look, nothing can top a pair of classic sabots.Their sleek and tailored style is perfect for the office and evening, which makes them an essential must-have to pair with women's pants. From bright colors to more subtle neutrals, not to mention flashy metallics, we're sure you'll find your favorite pair among the collection of women's sabots and sandals. For Poesie Veneziane, quality is a top priority for their women's leather sandals and sabots, which are 100% handcrafted in Italy. They carefully select high-quality raw materials from the best Italian manufacturers, which means they not only look good, but are designed to be comfortable: made for walking.